Cloud Based

FastBound was created with busy FFLs in mind. Our cloud based system provides gun stores with secure and efficient tools for managing data and saving documents. With FastBound, businesses in numerous industries can quickly transmit, capture, and store vital documents and transaction records.

FastBound relies on our cloud based storage to power its services. This storage allows any data to be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. All applications are designed to capture information quickly and accurately with minimal effort. Data is stored on secure servers with multiple layers of encryption for added security. You can even customize FastBound’s software to suit your specific needs.

Let Us Do the Work… So You Can Relax

FastBound’s cloud based services help FFLs focus on their sales, rather than staying compliant.. Data transmits quickly and securely anywhere, anytime. This allows for more efficiency than ever before.

FastBound helps you keep your business running without interrupting your daily life. We know it is impossible to stay at your store 24/7 (though it may not feel like an option to leave). FastBound allows you to easily check multiple stores remotely through any web-enabled device. Just log in to your FastBound account for an overview of all stores from a single interface – no matter where you are.

So, pack your bags, load up the kids, and take that camping trip with peace of mind. Just don’t forget your bug spray!